Hello friends and familia!
No big deal just another week in Ohio. Here are some of the highlights.
No big deal just another week in Ohio. Here are some of the highlights.
So in our area, we share a car with another companionship in our District which means we get the car every other week. This week we will be biking and my legs already hurt just thinking about it. Just kidding. I'm an obedient missionary.
On the more serious side, we have an investigator named Matt. He is currently dating a member and has three kids, 8 if you count his girlfriends. He's come to church multiple times and he's keeping every commitment we give him. He even creates his own commitments (fist pump). He's looking to be very promising.
Throughout the course of this week I have listened to the song, Come Thou Font a few times and it's one of those musical numbers that can help you feel the Spirit. I challenge you guys to start listening to hymns and other types of songs such as these during the week. We tend to think they are only for Sunday, but it can be more than that. And who doesn't mind feeling the Spirit?
Sorry this one is short but this week is gonna be really busy. Love you all, may the Force (Spirit) be with you!
Elder G
Sent from my iPad
My new companions name is Elder Bunker. He has been in the mission for 10 months. He is from Cedar City, Utah and he's 5'8 (thank goodness). I am currently in a city called Canal Winchester. It is South East of Columbus, and approximately a 25 minute drive there. Canal (for short) is a lot like our neighborhood in Provo. But instead of a Ward being 5 blocks long, it's about an hour drive from one edge of the Ward to the other, with the church almost smack dab in the middle.
There is a lot of nice people in the ward, and I stress the word ALOT, because it totally reminds me of home. Everyone is so unified and they feed us missionaries every single day, almost. Last week I spent $17 on groceries and I think I only used about $6 of it this WHOLE week it's crazy. The people are so loving.
We played basketball last p day and today we went for a walk through one of the trails and saw a buckeye tree.... Woooooo, so great.
But yes I'm learning how to do laundry and soon I'll use an iron. That's exactly it. Hot and humid. I cringe whenever we put on our suit coats to go to church or Sunday meetings. ha!
When you or anyone sends packages or hand written mail, make sure they forward it to the current apartment I'm at. If you send it just to the mission office they just keep it there, and then on the rare occurrence your zone leader goes to the mission office, they can pick it up for you but that's it. Can you make sure everyone knows that?
I look at you and dads emails multiple times a week and I wish I could respond to you immediately after but I can only respond to emails on p days.