Hello again! This week went by SUPER fast. It's already Monday and to
think this transfer will end on Oct 1st is so weird. P-days are such a
huge stress reliever even though sometimes (like today), it's not
because we have so much to do.
I'm writing this email right before we head off to our Mission Wide
End of Summer event! Half of the mission will be there and we'll be
playing sports, getting a free lunch, and other activities. Now this
would be totally fine with me if it didn't last from 10:30 - 3:30.
I've still gotta do laundry, grocery shopping (I haven't had milk in a
week. I'm changing that ASAP), and clean up around the apartment
before 6pm. Oh and it's a 45 minute drive both there and back. So
excited :)
Since this week was a shorter week, I don't have too much to talk
about but I wanted to bring this up.
Is it really that hard to pronounce Galbraith? Or have I just never
noticed this before? Probably 85% of the time we knock on doors, there
is always this typical conversation. Here, I'll quote it for you.
Missionaries - Hello! How are you?
Home Owner - I'm good!
Missionaries - Great! What is your name?
Home Owner - My name's ( ). And your names are?
Missionaries - Elder Bunker and Elder Galbraith
Home Owner - Elder Bunker and Elder Who?
Elder Galbraith - Galbraith. *Sighs*. Like a Gal's breath
Home Owner laughs
Literally. Every. Time. You don't know how sick I am of that joke. I
think my companion wants to punch me every time I do it.
On a lighter note I want to share a scripture. It is Mosiah 2:17 and it says,
17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that
ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye
are only in the service of your God.
This scripture I find very interesting because sometimes when people
think of missionaries they think of two teenagers that just knock
doors all day. Thankfully, that isn't the case. Since I've been a
missionary, I can't tell you how many service projects I have done,
how many Bishop Storehouse visits I've attended and helped with, how
many times I've helped members and non members move, the list goes on.
Yes, the purpose of a missionary is to invite others to "Come Unto
Christ", but more times than not, the way you do that is by helping
that person, instead of forcing a message on them.
I'm not saying tracting is a bad thing. Tracting is effective in some
aspects but in others, not so much. I love service because it shows
that you love the person your talking to. No one is going to do
service for someone they hate, it simply doesn't make sense. And
that's why I love being a missionary. Not only are you sharing this
amazing message with people who need it, but you are a representative
of Jesus Christ. My parents will agree with me when I say, I don't
wake up at 6:30 every morning just to do it.
We also got to teach seminary for the first time this week. Though I
was absolutely terrified at first, once I started teaching the lesson,
I realized that these people that are just a few years younger than
me, can really benefit from this lesson. I've never been around a
group of teenagers that were just completely quiet the whole time.
Maybe it's because it was 6 in the morning, but I'll take it!
I'll send some pics with this email to show what's been happening
lately. I can't wait for you to see our district pictures. This group
is pretty funny.
Love you all!
Elder Galbraith
A pic from our temple trip. This is the whole zone and I love this group of missionaries. And of course, most of the sisters are taller than me so if you see me, that's because I'm on my tippy toes.
This is from our district meeting. We wanted to look like a family on
those really old pictures where they look scary and serious.
These group of missionaries I consider family. They are my first District, and I love them to death. District meetings are always super fun and very spiritual with these Elders and Sisters. Even if some of us (Elder Taylor) like to be more jokesters than usual.
From left to right : Sister Rodgers and Sister Bradford (Sister Training Leaders), Elder Bunker (companion), Elder Brandt (District Leader), me, Elder Taylor, Elder Carroll, Elder Levitt
This guy has a "Bee Beard". Last weekend, we went to the Honey Festival and the featured event was this man that would put the queen bee on his beard, and the rest of the hive would follow wherever the queen would go, hence this... Guy.
A pic from our temple trip. This is the whole zone and I love this group of missionaries. And of course, most of the sisters are taller than me so if you see me, that's because I'm on my tippy toes.
These are the Chans. We have dinner with them every Wednesday and they
feed us Chinese food every time we go over! And if there is leftovers,
they give us the rest for us to take back to our apartment. They are
so nice and kind. We talk about Filipino's alot. Don't worry, I've
only said good things :)
Aww, adorable. This is Ashley Weddle and Matt Seagar and us at their
wedding reception. They got married last Saturday and Matt is the one
that will be getting baptized on my birthday in the next couple of
weeks. One of Ashley's kids will also be getting baptized at the same
time too. They are so awesome and their 8 kids are even more great.
It's one of the sweetest feelings whenever one of their kids calls
out: "Elder Galbraith, I got your name tag again!"
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