Hey, Howdy, Hey!
What did you think of General Conference? I thought it to be a little different than past conferences.
I usually find that I enjoy the Sunday Sessions more than I do the Saturday Sessions. But this conference, I saw myself really enjoying and engulfing all that the Prophets and Apostles had to say to us. Of course the encouragement from Elder Andersen and Elder Oaks for members to do missionary work is awesome. I took a lot of notes from those talks.
More often than not too, I have a favorite speaker from conference, but I can't seem to grasp onto a favorite talk. I didn't jump on the Elder Holland bandwagon, I just followed quickly behind it this time. I found myself open to what every speaker had to say, which is the first time that has happened. I think I'm not the only one that listens to the ones that have given Spiritual impressions in past conferences and close their minds to anyone that doesn't have Apostle or Prophet written by their name. I was definitely called to repentance in that way and I'm grateful for the many inspired speeches and talks that were spoken this conference. (Quick Note. Only one more General Conference left as a missionary! Gasp.)
As we tried to get investigators to watch conference this weekend, we were disappointed as they all had reasons, mostly excuses, for not watching conference. One in particular didn't even give an excuse, in fact, we didn't even get to invite him! Rather, the conversation went like this :
"Hello?" - James
"Hey James! Its the missionaries how's it going?" - Elder G
"Oh hey guys! Hey, have I ever told you about my theory about Hitler being Jesus? - James
"Uhh.. no you have not." - Elder G
"Well let me tell you! (At this point, I sense a little alcohol taking over his thinking process) Well it's kinda obvious actually. Cuz Jesus was persecuted by the Jews, right?" And Hitler was trying to kill all the Jews, right?" - James
(No Response) - Elder G
*James hangs up* *Elder Galbraith is left speechless*
I think that means he's not watching Conference.... haha oh well.
Another interesting thing that happen this week is we had interview with President AT OUR APARTMENTS! Oh and Sister Daines is coming with him too. Talk about nerve wracking. I love President, and I've come to see him as my Ohio Pappy, but he was able to step into our personal space on Thursday. You better not doubt that we did A CLEAN SWEEP of the apartment. Cuz that's what happened. It wasn't like our apartment was filthy dirty or anything, but both Elder Hatch and I knew what we had going on wasn't going to cut it.
We went to work. Simple as that. Scrubbed down all the counters and desks, vacuumed everywhere, and made everything peachy clean! I was very proud of our efforts, actually.
So President and Sister Daines get here, greets and hugs Elder Hatch and I (Only President did the hugging. Sorry Sister Daines. Awkward handshakes have become our cup of tea.), and starts surveying the apartment. He goes upstairs to where our beds and study tables, and random piano are at. (Don't ask how that piano got there.) And guess what he says?
"Elders! You didn't make your beds!"
I knew we had forgotten something. I was mad, because I was actually getting good at that too! And I wanted to show it off to them! Sorry mom, I've brought shame to the family. Hahaha
Interviews were great though! It's always awesome to have a one on one conversation with President, because you definitely don't get too many of those opportunities.
That's it for me this week! After this Wednesday, I will have single digit months left! That is Cra Crazy! Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Galbraith
The Great OCM
Aug 2015 - Aug 2017
1. And 2. In the Great OCM, we use Alligators and Twinkies to track key indicators.
3. And 4. The Sisters crashed and totaled their car this past week. They recovered fairly quickly and are riding bikes for the rest of the transfer. The day after the crash, we went to go claim all valuables. The Sisters also told us to take "LOTS OF PICTURES! WE NEED PICTURES!"
5. Elder Hatch and Brother Blodgett enjoying conference.