We had a good week at church today! R.T. and I got some matching
floral ties. That's all you need to achieve happiness.
Haha not only did we have matching ties, but we have been getting people to church too! Sarah enjoyed church again! Again, we are excited to help her as July 16th comes around. And we got a new guy named Russ Weber. He has been taught by missionaries before and decided to take a break from them for 6 months before he called us up and asked if we could come by sometime. We greatly obliged and had a great first couple lessons with him. He believes that God hates him because of all the stuff he had to endure over these past 40 years. But now he's starting to come around to believe that God has mercy on us and he learned a lot about that at Church yesterday. He was only able to stay for Sacrament because his back was causing him a lot of pain but he had a great experience at the same time.
We started last week off with a couple of long tracting sessions. We've had to start anew because our cycle of the old investigators has become dry and we've had to go searching for some more. We got a lot of return appointments for this coming week, so I'm excited for those future visits.
We also got to go to the temple this past Friday and that was really great! Got to put some names in the temple, receive personal revelation, all that wonderful goodness. The mission has helped me appreciate the temple and all that it has to offer for us people here on Earth. Since we are able to only go three times a year, you really cherish the opportunities of when you go.
From those who have read my previous weekly emails, you know that I like to quote different prophets and apostles. And I found this quote the other day in my studies. It's become one of my favorites now.
“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature" - President Ezra Taft Benson
Another brief email I'm sorry but know that my testimony has been strengthened through the work we have been doing out here. It's the Lords work, therefore, we are entitled to his blessings and his love. All we gotta do is do it.
Love you all, hope you all have a splendid week! More pictures down below.
Elder G
When you do service all morning, you gotta enjoy some Burger King and feed the fries to the ducks. Duh.
Dinner with Brian Gaumer (Bry, for short because he's the homie) and Don Williams, both are really good friends! They say the mash potatoes were gross, but they were absolutely heavenly to me!
I would like to call this the "Amish Haystack" hahaha thank you Sister Weaver!
Last day before Elder Blanchard departed Mount Vernon.
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