Hey Everyone!
My new companion's name is Elder Evans. We actually came out together, and we haven't even served in the same zone until we became companions last Thursday! We get along great and I can already tell this will be a great transfer! I'll do a day by day summary because of the short week.
Thursday - We went to transfers and I got to see some mission buddies! I also got to see all the Sisters I came out with go home one last time. Still can't believe that time has come already. Anyways, I said goodbye to Elder Reynolds and picked up Elder Evans. Once we got home, he unpacked and we did studies. Then, the Westerville Elders picked us up to go do more service at My Very Own Blanket. We then walked around the top of our area, seeing Potentials and doing some street contacting. We then got Chipotle (mmmmmm tasty) and did more work before getting a ride home from Brother Richardson.
Friday - This was the start of the stomach flu. Haha I had some leftover Chipotle in the morning and Elder Evans thought I got food poisoning from it. I called Sister Daines and she said the stomach flu had been going around as well. It was basically aches and pains and all that crummy stuff. We weekly planned and saw several people around the apartment, but had to come in a little early because my stomach was brewing up something gross. I didn't throw up or anything, but it got close :)
Saturday - The sickness worsened and we were inside up until dinner with the Moarfedousts. They fed us chili which was REALLY good, but probably didn't help my digestive system out. Haha Brother Moarfedoust wrote my whole name in Persian! Their family first had to guess my first name and middle name and that alone took around 10 minutes. Haha it was a fun dinner appointment. We then got dropped off at Jonathan's home to remind him about church. Sadly we learned later that his family wasn't home and that he would be working all day today and Sunday. So that means he wont be at church :( went home and got some more rest so that my sickness would hopefully fix itself. I am thankful for Powerade and Sprite!
Sunday - We had Ward Council in the morning. Our ride to church, Brother Dowling, had PEC in the morning, so we woke up at 6 to be ready for him to pick us up. While he was in PEC, we just sat in the chapel doing some studies. Since I had a very small breakfast, my stomach groaned from pained and lack of food for our six hour church day. Jonathan confirmed that he wouldn't be able to come so we had church without an investigator there. We got home, rested some more so I could continue recovering. We went to dinner with the Ames, which was another great dinner appointment! We then went to Jonathan's again, this time he was home with Kelly and Riley! They got to meet Elder Evans and we got to talk a little bit about the Gospel and their moving plans. They'll be moving to Pickerington this Friday, so we'll be helping him with that and handing him off to the STL's over there. Its sad I wont be able to teach him after this Friday, but I know they will continue to feel the spirit in rich abundance as they continue to keep their commitments. The mission is a great thing. I have created a lot of long lasting friendships out here.
Now today! I am feeling WAY better now. P-day was well needed and now my body actually feels normal. Hahaha
Love you all! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I know that is a reason why I have recovered as quickly as I have. Some other missionaries have been sick for weeks on end and I am glad this was only a few day stint. Have a great week everyone!
P.S. - No pics or vids from me this week. I am so used to Elder Reynolds doing all of that, so I'll have to crank out the crappy quality iPad pics again :)
Elder Galbraith
The Great OCM
"Don’t count the days; make the days count." Muhammad Ali
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